Eileen Brody

The Music Ministry of our church, which includes the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir, always welcomes new participants to help make our worship richer and more meaningful. The Chancel Choir meets at 6:00p.m. on Wednesdays. Handbells meet at 7p.m.on Mondays.


Our Chancel Choir serves our 9:30a.m. worship by providing leadership in hymn singing, prayer responses, and an anthem, which enhances the worship theme of the day. 

The Chancel Choir is a supportive community that welcomes singers of all ages beginning with high school students.   Rehearsal is on Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the choir loft from September through May.  Our style of music varies from Bach to Gospel ~ something for everyone.


The handbell choir, commonly known as the bell choir, was started in the early 80s by Lois Haley. Monies from a memorial fund of Lois’ mother Pearl Poindexter along with a fundraiser allowed the purchase of the first set of bells. The number of ringers in the bell choir has fluctuated over the years and is currently a small but dedicated group. The bell choir meets on a weekly basis and occasionally rings for worship services.

Being able to read music is a big help but no other experience is necessary. If you are interested in joining either the Chancel Choir or the bell choir - we'd love to have you! Please contact the church office